The Aesthetic Foundation's Career Achievement Award presented during the annual Member Business Meeting, has produced many heartfelt and humorous presentations that often teach those of us in the room something new about the honoree. We know these names so well; Casas, Stuzin, Tebbetts, Aston, Singer, and Spear, just to name a few! However, the Career Achievement Award also publicly exposes the significant contributions to our specialty attributed to each honoree. Members who may not have been on a personal level with some of the past award recipients, may now feel like they identify with them better, having had a glimpse into their personal lives during the award ceremony.
The Award also serves as a fundraising opportunity for The Foundation, generating monies that are used for research, an area that most Career Achievement Award winners have a great passion for and realize the tremendous value it provided them throughout their careers.
Historically our membership takes a great deal of pride in identifying and honoring these individuals who have gone beyond the call of duty to promote our specialty, and I am sure this year will not be any different. The voice of our membership is important to the nomination process for the Career Achievement Award honoree. As we look forward to The Aesthetic MEET 2025 in Austin, Texas, take a moment to reflect on those individuals that you feel may be worthy candidates. If you would like to nominate a member of The Aesthetic Foundation and The Aesthetic Society, follow the link below and provide details for their contributions to aesthetic plastic surgery education, leadership, and/or research.

With faxing registrations soon to be phased out, now is the perfect time to make the switch to electronic registration for a safer, more informed future. You can signup today for this free resource or schedule a personal demo to see it in action. I look forward to the year ahead and continuing to champion The Foundation and the work we do!


Oni Garcia Jr., MD
The Aesthetic Foundation President