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Presidential Update

The Aesthetic Foundation Presidential Update March 2025

The Aesthetic Foundation Presidential Update
The Aesthetic Foundation Presidential Update

As my Presidency of The Aesthetic Foundation comes to an end, I am excited to celebrate the accomplishments of the past year. For me, being Foundation President meant another opportunity to contribute to our specialty. My professor and Mentor, the late Dr. Bernard Kaye, was a founding member and served as president of The Aesthetic Society. He was extremely invested in The Society and would have been very proud that one of his former residents served as The Aesthetic Foundation president. I look forward to continuing to be involved as Immediate Past President and keep initiatives moving forward under the capable direction of my dear friend, Dr. Pat McGuire.

Since the gavel was passed to me in early May 2024, I have worked closely with our Board, Committee members, and staff to fund research, drive programs, provide patient support, and enhance educational opportunities for students and surgeons. We also set some lofty goals which included:

  • lncreasing the number of Society members who are also Foundation members from 54% in 2024 to 60% so far in 2025. A modest increase that will continue to be a focus of our marketing efforts. Membership is important. When our collective community comes together, we have seen the impact that is possible.
  • Creating Donor Levels to more clearly honor those who donate above and beyond dues towards programs that mean something personally to them. We will continue to promote donors based on these levels for years to come.
  • The Scientific Research Committee and Board of Directors approved 14 new research grants for novel research. This continues to be the flagship initiative of The Foundation. It is incredible to see this keen interest in research among our members. Research drives innovation and safe outcomes for our patients.
  • Providing 118 breast cancer patients with funds for non-surgical needs through the Breast Cancer Journey Assistance Fund.
  • Mentoring 36 medical students through the Externship Program and providing hands on research experience via the Cooperative Research Externship Program.
  • Reimagining the capabilities of data collected in the ARISE Registry, powered by an upgraded Aesthetic One.

By now hopefully you are aware of the opportunities to engage with and support The Aesthetic Foundation during The Aesthetic MEET 2025. We would like to invite you to register for Course S9A "Spotlight on Research Luncheon" or S9 Hot Topics happening Thursday, March 20. New for this year, the Hot Topics course registration will include The Foundation's Spotlight on Research at no additional charge. From 11:45AM-1:00PM, results of Foundation funded research will be presented just prior to Hot Topics. I urge you to take this opportunity to personally witness the cutting-edge research presented. I have no doubt that you will be as impressed as I am with the quality of the presentations.


Other Foundation activities in Austin include:

  • Find your name on The Aesthetic Foundation Donor Wall (Austin Convention Center Level 4, just outside the session rooms)
  • Pick up your Foundation Member Lapel Pin (Attendee Registration desk or Aesthetic Society Booth #907)
  • Scan your badge to Raise Cash For Research (SENTE® Booth #1412)
  • Shop Kendra Scott Jewelry with 20% of sales going to The Foundation (Kendra Scott booth #535) and donate to the Career Achievement Award/Breast Cancer Journey Assistance Fund to be entered into a drawing for a piece of jewelry
  • Join us at the 5K Annual Fun Run/Walk (Saturday, March 22, 6:30am- Fareground Austin in the Yard) *Registration Required
  • Celebrate our Career Achievement Award honorees, Drs. Jack Fisher and G. Patrick Maxwell (The Aesthetic Foundation's Member Business Meeting on Saturday, March 22 at 12pm)
Drs Fisher and Maxwell

Thank you to the 2024-2025 Aesthetic Foundation Board of Directors, Committee members and all members and donors! Without each of you, none of The Foundation's accomplishments noted would be possible. l look forward to seeing everyone in Austin for The Aesthetic MEET 2025.

Oni Garcia Jr., MD
The Aesthetic Foundation President

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