Practice, Steven Svehlak MD
9201 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069
United States
Questions Answered
Years of Membership
9201 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069
United States
I am six weeks post tummy tuck and breast augmentation. I have had a discomforting pain in my upper right abdomen area since my tummy tuck. It hurts when I cough, sneeze or even stand and walk. When I went in for my four week check up (was feeling better) with my PS he said I could start running…
I had the facetite procedure on my jowls seven weeks ago. The upper left side of my lip is not functioning properly. I can't drink from a straw, or pucker my lips. I can chew food, but have difficulty keeping food in my mouth on the affected side. Spitting after brushing my teeth is abnormal. I have…
9201 Sunset Blvd
West Hollywood, CA 90069
United States