Unhappy with Breast Reduction
Asked 2020-02-09
I had a breast reduction close to a year ago. I am happy with the size but my nipples are way too high. I am unhappy with that and excessive scarring. Can the nipples be moved again and is it another major surgery?
2 answers
Answered 2020-02-16
Bottoming out is the more likely culprit and as the others have said a transverse excision (plication) can shorten the lower pole length and at the same time pull the Areola down. It’s done frequently and usually in the office under local
It's very tough to move your nipples down. But, often the problem is not that your nipples are too high, it may be that there was too much tissue left in the lower part of your breast. It's impossible to know for sure without seeing you in person or pictures. But, I would expect this to be something that can be made better for you .