What is photorejuvenation?
Photorejuvenation uses Intense Pulsed Light (IPL) technology to help reduce the appearance of some of the most common skin concerns, including: brown spots, melasma, broken capillaries, sun damage, wrinkles and age spots. This minimally invasive skin procedure requires little recovery time and has few side effects, making it a very popular skin treatment.
Why get IPL?
A clear complexion is something many people want, but even with the most meticulous skincare regimen, blemish-free skin can be difficult to achieve. If you want to improve the look of your skin without undergoing a full surgical procedure, photorejuvenation may be right for you.
Photorejuvenation is a great option if you have any of the below conditions:
- Acne scarring
- Age and sunspots
- Blotchiness
- Broken capillaries
- Excessive flushing
- Freckles
- Hyperpigmentation (brown spots)
- Large pores
- Melasma
- Rosacea
- Skin texture problems
- Spider veins
- Stretch marks
- Wrinkles
Below are some of the benefits of photorejuvenation:
- Make the color of your skin more even
- Improve the texture of your skin
- Reduce the size of your pores
- Restore a healthy, luminous, and radiant appearance
- Look younger
- Improve your self-image and self-confidence
What should I consider before getting photorejuvenation?
Please consult with your aesthetic plastic surgeon for more information on what is unique to you.
- You need to be in good general health.
- You can get IPL anywhere on the body.
- You likely will need several treatments to achieve the best results.
- This treatment is not as effective on tan or dark skin.
- You must stay out of the sun after each treatment.
- The recovery time is minimal and the results are relatively long-lasting.