Should I get fat graft breast augmentation or implants?
My natural breasts were a small A cup. I had large saline implants over the muscle when I was 23 years old. It was a bad look, visible with ripples. At 33 years old I had them removed and replaced with smaller silicone implants under the muscle due to capsular contracture and hardening. Now I am 40 years old and had explantation two weeks ago again due to hardening and capsular contracture and I am still dealing with blood build up in breasts that needs to be extracted. My skin is very thin and I have a very small amount of breast tissue left. At present I also have a scar under the areola inverted in a fold and general deformity. I think fat graft may help build breast tissue back up and help with lifting out the inverted fold. I don't care about the size. I just want to look normal with small natural breasts again. I've found a plastic surgeon that doe s this procedure often and has purportedly a 70-80% fat sticking success rate. I'm afraid of continual hardening with implants and possibly eventually having the implants come through the skin due to it being so thin already. Please advise - am I barking up the wrong tree with fat grafting? I need to act fast before inverted folds tether down to the muscle permanently. I am aware of fatty cysts but read online that good mammogram technicians/readers can detect the difference between benign cysts and malignant tumors (they can detect fat cysts that are not be be worried about). Please help me as I need more information.
In the last few years, fat graft to the breast has become more widely accepted. Generally it does not provide sufficient volume to give results comparable to implant augmentation, but it has been successfully used to improve contour defects (like you are describing) and add small amounts of volume. Some surgeons find that they are able to improve thin skin areas with careful placement of fat. Results can be improved by repeat or multiple treatments.