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Photo Gallery Case

Case #115986

R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture

Female patient, 43 years old, with 2 previous pregnancies.
During the preoperative consultation, she complained of localized fat and abdominal laxity after pregnancy.
Surgical Plan:
Liposculpture with VibroLipo
R.A.F.T Lipoabdominoplasty associated with Corset Muscle Plication and Pubic Lift

Before image 1 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
After image 1 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
Before image 2 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
After image 2 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
Before image 3 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
After image 3 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
Before image 4 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
After image 4 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
Before image 5 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
After image 5 Case #115986 - R.A.F.T LipoAbdominoplasty + LipoEsculture
Skin Tone:
Light -
43 years
149 lbs
More details
64.0 inches
Amount Liposuctioned:
2000 cc
Amount Resected:
1500 grams
Time Post-Op for Photos:
12 months
Technique (Liposuction):
Power-assisted (PAL)

Female patient, 43 years old, with 2 previous pregnancies.
During the preoperative consultation, she complained of localized fat and abdominal laxity after pregnancy.
Surgical Plan:
Liposculpture with VibroLipo
R.A.F.T Lipoabdominoplasty associated with Corset Muscle Plication and Pubic Lift