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Photo Gallery Case

Case #108821

Upper Lip Lift + Corner Lip Lift

Woman in her 60's underwent an Upper Lip Lift + Corner Lip Lift to improve the overall appearance of her mouth. Patient was unhappy with her downturned, thin lips she developed as she aged and desired a natural, more youthful appearance. Post operative photos taken 16 months after surgery.

Before image 1 Case #108821 - Upper Lip Lift + Corner Lip Lift
After image 1 Case #108821 - Upper Lip Lift + Corner Lip Lift
Skin Tone:
Light - Medium -
67 years
116 lbs
More details
67.0 inches
Time Post-Op for Photos:
16 months
Technique (Lip Enhancement):
Surgery - Lip Lift

Woman in her 60's underwent an Upper Lip Lift + Corner Lip Lift to improve the overall appearance of her mouth. Patient was unhappy with her downturned, thin lips she developed as she aged and desired a natural, more youthful appearance. Post operative photos taken 16 months after surgery.