In more than 30 years of practice in the field of Plastic Surgery, Dr. Perry strives for predictable results with a complication rate as low as possible. Since the completion of his residency in 1982, Dr. Perry has added many procedures, but only after they have been tested and perfected. To reduce risk further, he only operates in a fully-staffed hospital with a regular OR team and experienced Anesthesiologists.
Plastic Surgery is meticulous, custom work. Dr. Perry feels blessed to train under one of the top Plastic Surgery educators, D Ralph Millard MD FACS, at the University of Miami, who didn’t teach procedures, but fundamental principles so that they could design operations to solve the unique problems which confronted with. For this reason Dr. Perry practices both reconstructive and aesthetic surgery. Reconstructive surgery requires creativity and innovation; aesthetic surgery demands finesse and attention to detail. The practice of Plastic Surgery is a fusion of both disciplines.