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5 Reasons Plastic Surgery Isn't So Scary After All

Plastic Surgery Improvements
Plastic Surgery Improvements

Coffee or tea? To be or not to be? Life’s decisions have always been a complicated lot. Thankfully, today’s decisions—at least when it comes to improving your physical appearance through plastic surgery—have become less complicated due to the many advances in technique, accessibility and safety of surgical and nonsurgical cosmetic procedures. Of course, “advances” don’t always allay fears. So today—in a single dose of “fear be gone”—we’re going to quash 5 big fears that might be stopping you from making an informed decision when it comes to having aesthetic plastic surgery. Here we go.

The Monster Under The Bed.

Roosevelt had a point when he said, “The only thing we have to fear is fear itself.” But he wasn’t staring down the barrel of cultural expectation and tabloid media, showcasing the horror stories of surgical procedures gone wrong or the triumphs of glow-ups gone right. Unfounded fear is a big reason why some people might steer clear of a cosmetic procedure, even if they want it really, really bad. And in a strange twist of fate, there are other media sources that can help by offering up the number one solution to unfounded fear: legitimate information. While a board-certified plastic surgeon is always your best resource for educating yourself before, during and after a procedure, there are plenty of reliable online resources that can touch on the basics of anything from dermal fillers to a facelift You’ll find information on the latest procedures, the safety and risk involved and even patient reviews. Sites like this one, the American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery and Real Self are examples of sites that can offer up an empowering amount of information to help you make the most informed decision about plastic surgery procedures.

Hitting where it hurts.

Another sore spot in choosing to have plastic surgery is preferably kept neatly tucked into your purse or back pocket — yes, it’s money. Legitimate plastic surgery ain’t cheap. And if the price is too good to be true, trust us, it’s exactly that—too good to be true. Cosmetic surgery has, however, become increasingly more affordable for most budgets, and most reputable plastic surgeons offer financing options to help make the decision more palatable. So whether you’ve been pining for nonsurgical body contouring or a tummy tuck, if you’re holding off on consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon due to cost—it might be worth making that appointment to discuss your options anyway.

Looking 'done'.

Today’s best surgeons are touted for their sense of aesthetics and their ability to provide natural and realistic results. And ongoing advances in technique and product give them the ability to do just that. So while an unnatural result is a viable fear in making the decision to have a cosmetic procedure (and is one that you should discuss with your doctor), your board-certified plastic surgeon is aiming to make you look your best through open dialogue and mutually agreed-upon expectations. Aesthetic plastic surgery is meant to enhance your natural beauty - not to reshape you into someone you don’t recognize.

Pressed for time?

Most Americans already feel the pressure of work and family versus the ticking time bomb that is your daily schedule, so the idea of taking a day or a week or two off for recovery from a surgical procedure can strike terror into the hearts of even the most organized adult. Your initial conversation with your plastic surgeon should include limits to your available recovery time and he or she will steer you towards procedures that work for you. Since many of today’s most popular procedures don’t require an overnight hospital stay or even a overly-long healing process, you may be surprised to find out just how time-effective certain procedures actually are.

Who’s the boss?

The opinions of your family and friends are certainly reasons why you might avoid getting a cosmetic procedure that you want. We get it. Who wants to be judged? The question you should be asking yourself is: Should you let that stop you? Support from your significant other or BFF is a doozy when it comes to making big decisions, so why not include them in the process? Bringing your partner or a friend with you during your consultation gives them the opportunity to not only meet your doctor, but also ask questions, visualize the results and learn more about the procedure, which will ultimately help allay their fears as well as your own.

Ultimately, the decision to have plastic surgery is in your hands. It’s essential that you should do your homework, gather as much information as possible, and consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure that you’re making the most informed and empowered decision possible.

See… plastic surgery isn’t quite so scary after all.


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