Happy New Year! I blinked and the holidays were over, and it is now full steam ahead towards The Aesthetic MEET 2025. Here is a look at initiatives important to me during my presidency and their status.
The Aesthetic Foundation has a long history that spans a third of a century. It was important to me to establish a time and place during the annual meeting where The Aesthetic Foundation's Past Presidents can get together and catch up personally and professionally. The tradition begins at The Aesthetic MEET 2025 and hopefully will continue for years to come. In case you have not yet seen the email and are a Past President, please join us at The Aesthetic Society Booth #907 in The Aesthetic Marketplace on Saturday, March 22, from 4:00PM-4:30PM Central Time, since networking is the theme of The Marketplace during that time. We invite our distinguished past Foundation leaders to come network with one another, share a toast and a snack, and enjoy the camaraderie. Staff and current leadership will also be there to provide you with a new President lapel pin (displaying the new Foundation logo), as a thank you and reminder to stay connected.
Just as important as honoring our past leaders is thanking and honoring our current members. The Foundation Board set a goal to have 100% of Society Active Members also pay their Foundation dues for 2025. We haven't quite hit that goal and are at 65% but are pleased to have increased from 54% in 2024. To thank Foundation members, I asked that we create a new "Member" lapel pin with the current logo.
Foundation members can pick their pin up in Austin either at the Attendee Registration desk or The Aesthetic Society Booth #907. If you are not a member, pay the $200 dues onsite, become a member and proudly wear your Aesthetic Foundation Member lapel pin. The Foundation's most recent email newsletter touted impressive stats from the calendar year 2024:
- $268,859 in Total Donations to Support Foundation Initiatives
- 10 Aesthetic Research Grants Awarded
- 111 Grants Awarded to Breast Cancer Patients
- 12 Career-Shaping Externship Scholarships Awarded
- 25 Resident Travel Scholarships
None of this is possible without your support. Wear a member lapel pin with pride, you make a difference to our specialty!
All donations to honor our 2025 Career Achievement Award winners, Drs. Jack Fisher and G. Patrick Maxwell, will be going to the Breast Cancer Journey Assistance Fund at their request. Additionally, Kendra Scott, Booth #535, will donate 20% of all jewelry sales onsite at The Aesthetic MEET to the Fund. Continuing the company's generosity, anyone who donates to the Career Achievement Award and Breast Cancer Journey Assistance Fund prior to and during The Aesthetic MEET 2025 will be entered into a drawing for a piece of jewelry from Kendra Scott. The drawing will take place on Sunday, March 23, at 11:00AM Central Time in The Aesthetic Society Booth #907. Thank you, Kendra Scott!
Although The Aesthetic Foundation currently contributes to our specialty in many ways, our flagship initiative always has been and remains, funding cutting edge research. You will not be disappointed if you register to attend Course S9A Spotlight on Research, occurring Thursday, March 20, from 11:30AM-12:30PM Central Time, during The Aesthetic MEET 2025. I continue to be impressed with the new research ideas being brought to The Foundation for funding and the results presented in the past few years have been incredible. This year, if you register for Course S9 Hot Topics, the Spotlight on Research session is included.
I am extremely grateful to all Foundation Board members and staff who have participated in the transition of ARISE to a new, much improved platform. ARISE is much more than a mere implant registry, it actually registers how implants are being used. Having firsthand knowledge of the power of research on patient safety, I am passionate about the possibilities of data collected in ARISE, powered by Aesthetic One. The registration process is quick and easy. Now is definitely the time to register to use the new web-based platform, available through any browser.
Hope to see all of you in Austin for The Aesthetic MEET 2025!

Oni Garcia Jr., MD
The Aesthetic Foundation President