What type of tummy tuck incisions are there?
Your incisions will vary based on the type of tummy tuck you get.
Full Tummy Tuck (Full Abdominoplasty)
The incision for a full abdominoplasty usually runs from hip bone to hip bone, and may be in a V-cut or U-cut shape, so that the scar can be hidden in a bikini. Your surgeon will determine the shape and length of the incision based on your preferences and the amount of correction you need. You may also have an incision around the navel.

Mini Tummy Tuck (Mini Abdominoplasty)
With a mini-tummy tuck, your surgeon makes a single incision in the pubic area, which will be as low as possible to hide it in the pubic bone area. There are no incisions around the navel. The length of the mini-tummy tuck incision and scarring can range from a few inches to the entire span of your abdomen.

Extended Tummy Tuck (High Lateral Tension Abdominoplasty)
With a high lateral tension abdominoplasty, scars are longer and often higher than scars in more traditional tummy tucks and mini-tummy tucks. It is common not to excise the umbilical (navel) site, because not as much skin is removed centrally.
What scars will I have after my tummy tuck?
Your surgeon will make every effort to make incisions and scars as small and inconspicuous as possible. Board-certified aesthetic plastic surgeons can skillfully hide incisions in body creases whenever possible. Although incision lines are permanent, in most cases they will fade and significantly improve over time.
Your incision healing and resulting scars will depend on the surgical technique, the steps you take to prevent infection (nutrition, not smoking, hydrating), and any underlying medical conditions or genetic tendencies.