How long does it take to recover from a tattoo removal procedure?
Your recovery time will depend on whether you received laser tattoo removal or tattoo removal surgery. In most cases you may return to work and other daily activities immediately following your treatment. Your surgeon will also give you and your caregiver detailed instructions about your postoperative care after your treatment, including information about:
- Skin care
- Typical symptoms you will experience
- Potential signs of complications
It is vital that you follow all the patient care instructions your surgeon provides. It is also important to know that the amount of time it takes for recovery varies greatly among individuals.
What can I expect during my tattoo removal recovery?
- It is normal to experience some mild pain or discomfort for up to forty-eight hours following treatment. In most cases, you can manage your pain by applying an ice pack to the affected area.
- You may notice a slightly elevated, white discoloration and possible pinpoint bleeding in the treatment area immediately following the procedure. Minimal edema and erythema of adjacent skin may also occur. These symptoms typically resolve within twenty-four hours.
- Subsequently, a scab will form over the entire tattoo, which will fall off after about two weeks.
- You will notice your tattoo gradually fading over the eight week healing period following the procedure.
- If you experience extreme or long-lasting pain or redness and swelling after treatment, contact your surgeon.